Monday, September 18, 2017

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Finding The Keys To Life With “Unlocked Lifestyle”

At an early age, Dakota Achin was taught a paramount life lesson that ultimately shaped his own personal philosophy - and his future. “When I was younger, my grandfather would always remind me that if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. And that’s something that has really...

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Lifestyle Is At The Heart Of Heart Health

But the deadly disease is preventable, either totally or partially, said Dr Alex Teo, medical director of Providence Clinic. Generally used to refer to conditions affecting the heart or blood vessels, CVD is associated with a build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries and an increased risk of blood...

Friday, September 1, 2017

Don’t Treat Love Or Leisure Like A Job

In an old cartoon by the American Roz Chast, a waiter approaches a woman with food on her plate. “Are you still working on that?” “No, in fact, I’m completely exhausted,” she replies. “Maybe if you wrap it up, I can finish working on it at home.” The title is Another Day In The Salt Mines. The idea...

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Delicious Lighter Potato Gratin

Potato gratin is a classic dish for a reason – everyone loves it! The combination of cheese, potato and that creamy, delicious sauce is a delight for your taste buds, and will have to going back for seconds. Unfortunately, like many tasty dishes it’s not the healthiest, so this version has a couple...

3 Books to Help You Create a New Lifestyle that Lasts

For far too long we’ve been led to believe that “going on a diet” and “losing weight” is something you force rather than something you learn. And where has it gotten us? Well, according to this article, 38 percent of adults are obese, along with 17 percent of teenagers—numbers that have been increasing...

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Don’t Let Your Dissertation Run Your Life

A Ph.D. student recently came to me to talk about exploring different careers. He lamented that while in graduate school, he gradually stopped doing everything in his life that was not research related. In undergrad, he was an avid outdoor adventurer, climbing mountains and rafting rivers. He loved...

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Washington ‘swamp’ sucks life from Trump trade strategy

Donald Trump won the US presidency vowing to rip up decades of trade policy and drain the Washington “swamp” of lobbyists and “globalists” as part of his America First push to bring back manufacturing jobs. Yet six months into his administration, the swamp seems not only undiminished but to be swallowing...

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Morford: John McCain is no one's hero anymore

It was a good day for death, a good day for shameless cruelty, for the worst tendencies of the human animal; it's a good day to have that sickening, sour feeling in your stomach turn to abject disgust at your fellow man – Republicans very much in particular – as the Senate GOP, with coward John McCain’s...

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

What's the least stressful way to commute

According to recent research, cycling to work can reduce your risk of early death by 40%. But if avoiding an early demise isn’t enough to get you on a bike, there’s also a more immediate benefit – if you commute by bike, you will feel less stressed and be more productive at work. A study last week...

Tuesday, July 11, 2017


Though we may constantly feel tired, sleeping isn't always easy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2016 found that one in three Americans doesn't get enough sleep. This can lead to a host of health problems, and more and more Americans are resorting to sleeping pills to ensure they're...

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Column: Add some Poutine to your routine

I know it’s been a long holiday weekend for you, hopefully filled with enough hot dogs and beer to make ’Merica proud, so I’m lobbing you a softball for this month’s dish. We’re venturing to the Great White North, specifically Quebec, for Canada’s national dish, Poutine. It’s a mess of fries, cheese...

Sunday, July 2, 2017

How garbage food became normal

So what's a good family meal for an easy weeknight dinner? A quick stir fry with lean protein, veg and noodles ready in 20 minutes - or maybe a mushroom omelette with salad and sourdough? Or there's this idea from McDonalds heavily promoted on TV recently: a family box of burgers, chips and coke,...

Friday, June 30, 2017

Having Trouble Sleeping? New Therapy Suggests Less Is More

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Everybody sleeps, but some do it better than others. For those tortured by sleepless nights, there’s a new therapy that uses the motto – if you want to sleep more, try sleeping less. “When I’d go to bed, I would start and be like, okay, if I go to bed now, I’ve got eight hours....

Monday, June 26, 2017

Cyndi Lauper: Why quality of life can bring equality

How to ensure equality for everyone when we're all so diverse and different? A question for our guest contributor Cyndi Lauper, the singer and co-founder of True Colors, an advocacy group for homeless LGBT youth: For me equality has always been plain and simple. "You either are or you aren't, Blanche,"...

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Tips to making yourself look good in a selfie

The selfie stick was possibly the most hated gadget — and with good reason. That slimming photo angle often comes with a price of irritating the people around you whom you've forgotten existed in your Instagram-focused world. Despite growing annoyance, the selfie is likely here to stay, but there...
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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Safety is a Lifestyle

Many people ask how I've made it this far in my career in such a short time. It's not because I know everything; no one does. It's because I treat people with the respect for which they are due. I have had the honor in working in some of the biggest projects and with some of the best companies in...
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